lejecom  Le journal de l’économie Malienne


Lancement du Programme conjoint BCEAO/HEC Paris de renforcement des capacités du secteur bancaire de l'UMOA le 18 Juin AVIS A MANIFESTATION D’INTERET POUR LA SELECTION D'UN CABINET DE CONSULTANTS CHARGE DE LA CONCEPTION DE COURS, ET DE MODULES DE FORMATION EN EDUCATION FINANCIERE AINSI QUE DE L'ANIMATION DE SESSIONS DE FORMATION DES FORMATEURS DANS L'UEMOA AVIS A MANIFESTATION D'INTERET POUR LA SELECTION D’UN CABINET CHARGE DE LA DEFINITION ET DE LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE LA STRATEGIE DE COMMUNICATION EN EDUCATION FINANCIERE DANS L'UNION ECONOMIQUE ET MONETAIRE OUEST AFRICAINE (UEMOA) Appel à candidatures pour la 43e promotion du cycle diplômant du Centre Ouest-Africain de Formation et d’Etudes Bancaires (COFEB) La hausse des inégalités affecte plus des deux tiers de la planète La Fédération des Sociétés d’Assurance de Droit National Africain (FANAF) tient sa 44ème Assemblée Générale Annuelle du 17 au 20 Février à Libreville au Gabon, sous le thème général : « La Donnée et l’Innovation au Cœur de l’Assurance Africaine » Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Projet d’interopérabilité des services financiers numériques dans l’UEMOA, la Banque Centrale organise du 14 au 18 janvier 2019, au Siège de la BCEAO à Dakar, un atelier de lancement consacré au démarrage des trav UMOA : Le Comité de Politique Monétaire de la Banque Centrale des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO)  tiendra, le mercredi 5 décembre 2018, sa quatrième réunion ordinaire au titre de l’année 2018 dans les locaux du Siège de la BCEAO à Dakar  Prix Abdoulaye FADIGA:Un prix d’encouragement a été remis à Mes. Aboudou Ouattara, Kouamé Désiré Kanga et Ruben Barnabas Djogbenou, co-auteurs de l'article «Hétérogénéité des économies de la CEDEAO : Quel défi pour une politique monétaire commune ? » Vigninou GAMMADIGBE, lauréat du Prix Abdoulaye FADIGA pour la Promotion de la recherche économique 2018 auteur de l’article : « Survie des banques de l'UEMOA : les nouvelles exigences de fonds propres sont-elles pertinentes ?  »

Tuberculose : forte baisse des infections mais pas assez vite dans les populations pauvres (OMS)

Dimanche 20 Octobre 2019

L'année dernière, 1,5 million de personnes sont décédées des suites de la tuberculose, a indiqué l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), qui réclame un financement et un soutien politique plus importants pour éradiquer cette maladie curable et évitable.

PNUD Tuvalu/Aurélia Rusek Une patiente âgée de 25 ans atteinte de tuberculose est traitée chez elle à Funafuti, l'île principale de Tuvalu, dans le Pacifique.
PNUD Tuvalu/Aurélia Rusek Une patiente âgée de 25 ans atteinte de tuberculose est traitée chez elle à Funafuti, l'île principale de Tuvalu, dans le Pacifique.
Causée par la bactérie Mycobacterium tuberculosis, la tuberculose provoque généralement une toux persistante, de la fatigue et une perte de poids.

Dans un nouveau rapport publié jeudi, l’OMS  indique qu’environ 10 millions de personnes ont contracté la tuberculose en 2018 et trois millions de personnes « ne reçoivent pas les soins dont elles ont besoin ». Les pays les plus touchés sont la Chine, l’Inde, l’Indonésie, le Nigéria, le Pakistan, les Philippines et l’Afrique du Sud.

Mettant en exergue quelques bonnes nouvelles, l’OMS a souligné que le Brésil, la Chine, la Russie et le Zimbabwe - qui sont lourdement touchés par la tuberculose - ont atteint des niveaux de couverture de traitement supérieurs à 80% en 2018.

Néanmoins, même si le nombre de cas de tuberculose en 2018 était légèrement meilleur que celui de 2017, cette maladie reste élevée chez les populations pauvres et marginalisées, en particulier les personnes vivant avec le VIH.

Cela s'explique notamment par le coût des soins antituberculeux, des données montrant que près de quatre patients sur cinq dans des pays dits « à forte charge » dépensent plus de 20% du revenu de leur ménage pour le traitement.

La pharmaco-résistance constitue un autre obstacle, avec en 2018, une estimation d’un demi-million de nouveaux cas de tuberculose pharmaco-résistante. Un tiers seulement de ces personnes ont reçu un traitement. L’OMS recommande de traiter désormais la tuberculose multirésistante avec des schémas thérapeutiques entièrement oraux, qui « plus sûrs et plus efficaces ».

Des systèmes de santé plus solides sont nécessaires

Insistant sur le fait que le monde doit accélérer les progrès pour atteindre l'objectif de développement durable visant à mettre fin à la tuberculose d'ici 2030, le Directeur général de l'OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a déclaré qu'en pratique, cela nécessitait « des systèmes de santé solides et un meilleur accès aux services ». « Cela signifie un investissement renouvelé dans les soins de santé primaires et un engagement en faveur de la couverture maladie universelle », a-t-il ajouté.

A la suite de l'engagement pris le mois dernier par des chefs d'État et de gouvernement à New York de mettre les soins de santé à la portée de tous et de lutter contre les maladies transmissibles telles que la tuberculose, le VIH et le paludisme, l'OMS a souligné l'utilité de campagnes nationales permettant de diagnostiquer et de traiter plusieurs maladies en même temps.

L'agence onusienne a cité des programmes de lutte contre le VIH et la tuberculose, qui ont permis aux deux tiers des personnes diagnostiquées atteintes de tuberculose de connaître leur statut VIH, pour lequel elles sont actuellement traitées.

L'OMS a également salué le fait que 7 millions de personnes ont été diagnostiquées et traitées pour la tuberculose l'année dernière, contre 6,4 millions en 2017.

C'est « la preuve que nous pouvons atteindre les objectifs mondiaux si nous unissons nos forces, comme nous l'avons fait par le biais de l'initiative conjointe ‘Find.Treat.All.EndTB’ de l'OMS, du partenariat Halte à la tuberculose et du Fonds mondial de lutte contre le sida, la tuberculose et le paludisme », a déclaré le chef de l'OMS.

Faisant écho à ce message, Dre Tereza Kasaeva, Directrice du programme mondial de lutte contre la tuberculose de l’OMS, a confirmé que l’agence onusienne travaillait en étroite collaboration avec les pays, les partenaires et la société civile sur des innovations visant à « briser la trajectoire de l’épidémie de tuberculose ».

Selon l'OMS, il existe un sous-financement massif et chronique pour la recherche sur la tuberculose, estimé à 1,2 milliard de dollars par an. De plus, le déficit en matière de prévention et de prise en charge de la tuberculose est estimé à 3,3 milliards de dollars en 2019. Ceci en dépit du fait qu'environ un quart de la population mondiale est atteinte de tuberculose latente, ce qui signifie que les personnes ont été infectées par la bactérie mais ne sont pas encore malades et ne peuvent donc pas la transmettre.

Les besoins prioritaires incluent un nouveau vaccin ou un traitement médicamenteux préventif efficace, des tests de diagnostic rapides et des schémas thérapeutiques plus sûrs, plus simples et plus courts.
La stratégie mondiale de lutte contre la tuberculose approuvée par l'Assemblée mondiale de la santé vise une réduction de 90% du nombre de décès dus à la tuberculose et de 80% du taux d'incidence de la tuberculose d'ici 2030 par rapport aux niveaux de 2015.

Du plus récent au plus ancien | Du plus ancien au plus récent

36.Posté par Dorothy Stovall le 09/01/2025 22:50 (depuis mobile)

My late father always emphasized the importance of "investing in yourself for a better future." I truly understood this when I encountered issues with my credit report. It became clear to me why investing in my credit was essential. I reached out to

35.Posté par Luna Calland le 09/01/2025 17:15

RECOVERY NERD never wavered in their quest, giving me frequent updates and direction at every turn. They gave me new hope and determination because of their unshakable dedication to my case, and their efforts soon paid off. I cannot express how grateful I am to RECOVERY NERD for their priceless support at my darkest moment. They managed to recover every bit of my lost investment, restoring not only my financial stability but also my future in cryptocurrencies. In addition to restoring my financial stability, their professionalism, knowledge, and persistent commitment have given me a renewed sense of resilience and empowerment. I cannot express how grateful I am to RECOVERY NERD for their priceless support at my darkest moment. They managed to recover every bit of my lost investment, restoring not only my financial stability but also my future in cryptocurrencies. In addition to restoring my financial stability, their professionalism, knowledge, and persistent commitment have given me a renewed sense of resilience and empowerment. I firmly believe in RECOVERY NERD's efforts to combat unfairness and deceit, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who has been the victim of internet fraud. Put your faith in their knowledge and allow them to lead you to the end of the tunnel. Contact them using the information below: Information on WhatsApp: + 61 (488) 893-280; email: (recoverynerd (@) mail . com)

34.Posté par Trevor Banks le 07/01/2025 19:50

I was a victim of a Bitcoin investment scam a few months ago. The platform appeared legitimate, offered large profits, and had a polished appearance—until it wasn't. When they refused to allow me withdraw any of my money after I had invested a sizable amount of my cash, I knew I had been duped. Seeing my $225,000 in hard-earned money vanish broke my heart. I was exposed to the Recovery Nerd hacking company just when I believed there was no hope left. I wasn't convinced that lost Bitcoin could be recovered at first, but they performed their magic when I gave them all the information they needed. To my astonishment, they were able to locate the money that had been stolen and retrieve the majority of my Bitcoin! Remain optimistic even if you have lost money in a cryptocurrency fraud. Reach out to them at recoverynerd@ mail.com; they were able to help me when I believed it was impossible, and they may be able to help you as well. Thank you.

33.Posté par Big Bull le 06/01/2025 22:21


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32.Posté par MaxKier le 06/01/2025 04:29

How Do l Get My Money From Amazon Lost Recovery masters

The Lost Recovery Masters is a team of experienced Amazon Recovery Experts currently collecting funds back to all Amazon s,c,a,m victims. Anyone that has fallen prey to these fake online imposters and bogus investments Schemes contact Lost Recovery Masters and explain your situation; They will assist you in all Amazon s,c,a,m,s retrieval funds, bitcoin wallets reclaiming, investment s,c,a,m, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber – attacks. Reach out to them through their:

Call/Whatsapp : +44(7-5-3-7-1-0-5-9-2-1)
Email: Support@lostrecoverymasters.com
Website: https://lostrecoverymasters.com/

31.Posté par James Becken le 04/01/2025 09:13

It's easy to feel defeated when the unthinkable occurs and your Bitcoin appears to vanish. On your road to recovery, though, the Recovery Nerd Agency is here to support you. This clever Company uses advanced cryptography algorithms and machine learning to extensively search the blockchain for your lost valuables. It was developed by blockchain security specialists after much research. Even beginners can recover thanks to its easy-to-use interface and quick processing speed. The Recovery Nerd Agency is an excellent resource to help you regain financial peace of mind, regardless of whether your money was sent to the incorrect address, you were hacked, or you lost your private keys. Allow this revolutionary recovery company to help you recover what is legitimately yours during trying circumstances. To learn more contact customer service at: recoverynerd (@)mail.com 

30.Posté par KRISTEN STEPHEN le 04/01/2025 03:34

Experts in Cryptocurrency Recovery - Your Key to Retrieving Lost Funds

Anyone who has fallen victim to Any recent or old fraudulent Crypto investment schemes should reach out to THE SCHWARTZ RECOVERY SOFTWARE HACKERS COMPANY
Haven’t you heard about Schwartz Software Hackers Services the deal in Fund Recovery and Mobile spy and other people had benefited from it? I am KRISTEN STEPHEN by name, I want to share a blog and forums on how to get a real fund recovery firm, thanks to Schwartz Software Hackers who helped me in recovering my funds from a romance scam and I was so poor without funds that I got frustrated. One morning as I was browsing the internet, I saw different comments of people testifying of how Schwartz Software Hackers helped him from being poor to a rich man through this already hacked ATM CARD. I was skeptical if this was true, I decided to contact him to know if he is real he proved to me beyond all doubts that it was really for real so I urgently receive my lost funds with the help of him you can Contact his email schwartzsoftwarehackingprogram@gmail.com and today am also testifying on how SCHWARTZ RECOVERY HACKERS helped me. I never believed in it until the funds were recovered and sent to my bitcoin wallet, which I have my funds back and am grateful to them, Contact the company now and recover all your lost funds
: +44 77 41 26 48 51
Email : schwartzsoftwarehackingprogram@gmail.com
Telegram : https://t.me/schwartzsoftwarehackers
Website : https://schwartzsoftwareha.wixsite.com
All rights reserved.
Copyright© 2021 Privacy Policy.

29.Posté par Amalia Bernsten le 02/01/2025 14:27

Someone impersonating a celebrity on Instagram conned me. I spoke with this scammer on WhatsApp for eight months, and after sending them money using Bitcoin, I was asked for my banking information. They then conned me out of my seventy thousand dollars in unemployment benefits, saying, "Oh, I sent cash to your account," without giving me a chance to confirm that it was my unemployment money. They were quite understanding and waited for my payment for eight months before I revealed them via a WhatsApp video. They requested that I use an ATM to purchase Bitcoin. But thanks to Recovery Nerd's skilled hacker, who started on schedule, I was able to get my $70,000 back. Because of his exceptional skills, I have referred him to friends and coworkers, all of whom ended up becoming happy clients. You can contact him at RECOVERYNERD@MAIL.COM for everything. He has been a huge assistance to me in the trading profession. Hacking and Recovering Funds He is the greatest and possesses a variety of abilities in exposing scammers and retrieving funds. I'm delighted to have received my money back.

28.Posté par Nico Liam le 22/12/2024 15:35

Hire A Hacker To Recovery Lost Crypto/ BTC - OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS

Can Help You The possibility of a successful fund recovery can be raised by working with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS to create a recovery plan that is customized to the particulars of the scam.
Go To Website at (www.optimistichackergaius.com )]

Text +44 737, 674, 0569 On WhatsApp

Email Box ( support@optimistichackergaius.com )

27.Posté par Mary Stevens le 18/12/2024 06:00

In today’s digital age, the risks of losing money to online scams, fraudulent investments, or stolen cryptocurrency are ever-present. Whether it’s binary options scams, forex trading losses, or cryptocurrency theft, the financial and emotional impact can be devastating. Fortunately, SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE has emerged as a reliable and professional service dedicated to helping individuals recover their hard-earned funds.

26.Posté par Robert Johnson le 17/12/2024 02:12

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE for their outstanding assistance in recovering $1.6 million that I lost to a scam on the PCGS Set Registry Forum. The funds were fraudulently taken from my Wells Fargo account, leaving my company in a precarious financial situation. I was overwhelmed and unsure of how to recover from such a significant loss. Thankfully, I found SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE. Their team of experts utilized advanced tools and sophisticated technology to trace my transactions, identify the fraudulent activity, and successfully recover my stolen funds. Their professionalism, technical skill, and commitment to delivering results were evident throughout the entire process. As per our agreement, I paid the prearranged percentage for their services – a fair price for the incredible outcome they achieved. Thanks to their efforts, my company has regained financial stability, and I can now move forward with confidence. I wholeheartedly recommend SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE to anyone facing similar challenges. Their exceptional expertise and dedication to helping their clients make them a true lifeline in critical situations. Thank you, SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE – you are absolutely amazing! For assistance, you can contact SANTOSHI HACKERS INTELLIGENCE via email at santoshihacker@hotmail.com or visit their website at santoshihacker.godaddysites.com.[Robert Johnson ] [Operation Manager ] [whatsapp  +15043854029 ]

25.Posté par Dee William le 11/12/2024 01:28

Legitimate Crypto Recovery Company | Hire a Hacker to Recover Lost Crypto

Stop your search and hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS right away!

My name is Dee William, well-known as a Professional porn star. A Conversation Regarding www.optimistichackergaius.com

A reputable organization that recovers stolen cryptocurrency assets, OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS provides clients with individualized and effective services. If you want their services, make an appointment right once. They have a great success record in recovering lost property.

Email Box... support@optimistichackergaius.com
Text ;......... +44 737 674 0569 on WhatsApp
Telegram........ t.me/optimistichackergaiuss

24.Posté par James Parker le 30/11/2024 05:54

My name is James Parker, and I want to share my experience with Santoshi Hacker Intelligence (SHI). As a leading intelligence and law enforcement agency, SHI plays a pivotal role in identifying and neutralizing threats to national security. Their mission extends to uncovering domestic and transnational networks capable of causing harm to the United States. At the heart of their operations is the Intelligence Branch, which leads SHI’s Intelligence Program with unmatched precision. By fostering collaboration between intelligence and operational teams and engaging with partners across the intelligence and law enforcement communities, SHI effectively tackles complex and evolving challenges. The Intelligence Branch also ensures that SHI’s outputs strike the perfect balance between strategic objectives and tactical requirements, enabling the organization to remain effective and agile. Two years ago, I reported a case involving missing funds from my office to another agency. Unfortunately, due to inadequate investigations, I found myself unjustly imprisoned for six months. When I was released, I vowed to uncover the truth and restore my name. While searching for solutions online, I came across a testimony from George T. West, who had experienced a situation similar to mine. George recommended Santoshi Hacker Intelligence, sharing how their team had helped him. I reached out to SHI via santoshihacker@hotmail.com, and from the very first interaction, their professionalism and expertise were evident. I was asked to provide details about the case, and their team immediately got to work. To my amazement, SHI’s comprehensive and thorough approach led to the recovery of millions of dollars owed to my company. They utilized advanced tools and resources, such as Unpaid Wages Recovery: By leveraging the Department of Labor’s database, they uncovered back pay owed to employees Pension Recovery: Using the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s search tools, they identified unclaimed pensions from former employers. This team is nothing short of extraordinary. Their dedication to uncovering the truth and delivering results has not only helped my company but also restored my faith in justice. I cannot thank them enough for their efforts. If you’re facing a similar challenge or require assistance with recovering lost funds, I strongly recommend Santoshi Hacker Intelligence. You can reach them at santoshihacker@hotmail.com.or visit their website at santoshihacker.godaddysites.com

23.Posté par George West le 23/11/2024 06:18

The increasing popularity of Bitcoin has undoubtedly revolutionized the financial landscape, but it has also led to a surge in digital currency theft. Hackers frequently target unsuspecting individuals and organizations, stealing their valuable Bitcoin holdings. The challenge of tracking stolen assets is amplified by the anonymity of Bitcoin transactions and the complexities of blockchain technology. Despite these challenges, SANTOSHI HACKER INTELLIGENCE has emerged as a reliable and innovative force in recovering stolen Bitcoin. Their expert team specializes in tracing digital thefts and navigating the intricacies of blockchain technology to help victims regain access to their lost assets. Bitcoin's meteoric rise in value has made it a prime target for cybercriminals, leaving victims frustrated and helpless. The anonymous and irreversible nature of Bitcoin transactions often makes recovery seem impossible. However, SANTOSHI HACKER INTELLIGENCE has proven that recovery is not only possible but achievable with the right expertise and tools. Thanks to their specialized services, victims of Bitcoin theft now have a dependable partner to help recover their funds. Whether through meticulous blockchain analysis or expert negotiation, SANTOSHI HACKER INTELLIGENCE consistently delivers results where others fail. If you have experienced Bitcoin theft or have lost access to your funds, I strongly recommend contacting SANTOSHI HACKER INTELLIGENCE. They offer professional and efficient solutions tailored to the unique challenges of cryptocurrency recovery. For assistance, reach out via email at santoshihacker@hotmail.com or visit their website at santoshihacker.godaddysites.com. Their expertise and dedication are a beacon of hope in the world of cryptocurrency recovery.

22.Posté par King Bell le 19/11/2024 16:21

Cryptocurrency Recovery Company, Hire A Legitimate Hacker To Recover Your Lost Crypto - OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS 

Lost access to your cryptocurrency or digital assets? OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS offers specialized recovery services to help you regain control. GAIUS experts use cutting-edge techniques to track and retrieve stolen funds

Website......             https://optimistichackergaius.com
WhatsApp....         +44 737, 674, 0569
Email................          support@optimistichackergaius.com
Telegram.............         https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss

21.Posté par ann blair le 03/11/2024 13:26

I am open to sharing my experience with Bitcoin investment and losing money to scammers. However, yes it is possible to recover your stolen bitcoins. I never believed in Bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it was not possible. However, sometime in October, I fell for a forex scam that promised overly high returns and ended up losing close to $55,000. I searched for a month for help until I finally came across an article on Reddit in regards to recovering stolen cryptocurrency so I reached out to them (brigadiatechremikeable(@)proton.me)OR Telegram +1(323) 9 1 0 1 6 0 5 I was so scared and skeptical because I have heard of bad experiences. Still, I decided to give him a try and to my greatest surprise I was able to get all my stolen bitcoins recovered from the scammers within a very short time frame. And they were able to introduce me to the best and legit BTC investment

I am so happy to keep getting my daily BTC, all I do is keep 0.1 BTC in my mining wallet with the help of Brigadia Tech. They connected me to his mining stream and I earn 0.4 btc daily with this, my daily profit. I can get myself a new house and car. I can’t believe I have thousands of dollars in my bank account. Now you can get in.

20.Posté par francesca harding le 09/10/2024 09:31

Finding the right crypto asset tracking experts to help me didn't come that easy. But, CYBER GENIE HACK PRO brings sanity to your household after losing your crypto assets by successfully recovering your lost Crypto assets investment. Hiring CGHP wasn't what I had ever thought I would be doing but losing the money you have been investing for months to scammers because you thought you were investing with crypto geniuses and would earn massive profits that could turn your life around being recently fired from my previous job. This Telegram channel hijacked my investment and profits because I was no longer willing to send more funds to them. I recall surfing the internet all day and night looking for anyone who could find any means to successfully recover my lost money and profits from an investment website that has hijacked my investment trading account. Letting go of my profits to this team of corny investors would ruin my life, so getting help in recovering my hijacked funds was the only way. CGHP brought a sigh of relief to my life when I confirmed an incoming notification of a deposit of 14.2BTC into my wallet and that's when I realized CYBER GENIE HACK PRO was the deal and I am grateful for them never betraying my trust and hopes in them. Hire the best team of private investigators and crypto asset tracking and recovery experts on the internet, just mail ( Cybergenie @ Cyber services . Com ) or ( TeIegram @CyberGenieHackPro ) for assistance and guidance on how to recover your money back from scammers.
Read more about CGHP:,  https:// cyber-genie-hackpro . info/

19.Posté par boobles le 29/09/2024 11:39


Most frequently asked question by investors after losing Bitcoins to fraudsters, is how possible is it to recover the lost Funds. I happened to become a scam victim last summer. I became interested in Cryptocurrency trading last summer and decided to trade $750,000 worth of crypto through an online software company which promised huge returns. Everything went wrong after they transferred all my funds from my coin base wallet to an unknown wallet address. I immediately had a search out on a reliable option to recover the funds back. I came across PRO RECOVERY WIZARD SAM BANK MAN CYBER SECURITY SERVICES, a specialized Expert in Cryptocurrency Recovery services. I must say I have good fortune, all my lost funds have been recovered back all thanks to PRO RECOVERY WIZARD SAM BANK MAN CYBER SECURITY SERVICES. To any victim who has lost Crypto to fraudsters I will recommend you to retrieve your lost funds.
CONTACT INFO; Email..Recoverywizardsambankman@cyberservices.com

18.Posté par Nancy Marciano le 26/09/2024 12:30

Hello people, my name is Nancy from Atlanta. Here is my sad story on crypto fraud. In late 2019, I learned about the potential rise in crypto prices. The outbreak of the pandemic brought this about. There was a lot of country panic and any crypto investor knew that this could result in a higher use of smart money and cryptocurrency. Hence potential spiking of price. And so I had to invest my money into related investments quickly. In my quest, I came across agent Antony Dremiges, who was under the company called Xchief.com for crypto investment. I made my deposit of 2 Bitcoins which equals $129,818. Everything is going on great as everyone who has been scammed has probably experienced. Until it was not. I got blocked from my account as they denied my access. I sought help relentlessly. Tried a few hackers to no avail but finally and thankfully landed on one DECODE HACKERS. They were perfect at what they did. Returning what belonged to me was just touching. I’m sharing my review in case someone out there has gotten impatient. Get help. Email: decodehackers(AT)gmail(DOT)com or Telegram: (PLUS)1 (917) 384‑3379

17.Posté par richard le 23/09/2024 22:19

I lost all of my savings investing in cryptocurrencies, which completely shocked me. I never thought it would turn out to be a fraud and that I would lose everything. Before I realized I had been duped, it had been going on for weeks. Fortunately for me, I came across a post on a bulletin about PRO RECOVERY WIZARD SAM BANK MAN CYBER SECURITY SERVICES. just when all hope had vanished and I was about to go bankrupt. The speed with which they located the fraudsters and retrieved my cryptocurrency funds astounded me. They provided excellent service, and I heartily thank them for it. I suggest anyone who wants to immediately recover monies to contact them. You should reach out to them by using ..

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